Preserving foods for foods, and there are several methods for this, ranging from simple refrigeration of foods to preservation of foods by radiation. and some waysFood preservation is very old methods dating back to prehistoric times, but new methods of food preservation have been developed as a result of modern scientific progress. Food preservation has helped make modern life possible. Without food preservation, most people were required to grow their own food. Food cannot be transported from the countryside to the cities without being spoiled or damaged by pests. As a result, it was not possible to create new cities, and famines would often be more common and widespread, because without food preservation it was impossible to save surplus quantities of food for use in emergency situations. Methods of food preservation across a surrounding site, food preservation is a method of humankind Since ancient times, to protect food from corruption, and to ensure the survival of food in times of food shortage and lack of rain, and there are many ways to preserve foods at this time, some of which are still used in our time, and food preservation had a positive effect in ensuring that foods moved from one place to another without being damaged. or poisoning.